Managed Support

Information Sharing

Minimising risk resulting from data sharing

Sharing data with other organisations can be daunting; What information are you allowed to share? With who? And when?

  • What can you actually share with a colleague and in what circumstances, particularly concerning a client or patient ?
  • Under what circumstances is it OK to enter into Information Sharing Agreements ?
  • What do you need to do to ensure you stay compliant with legislation if you are outsourcing work which requires a third party to view data you manage?
  • When can you share personal data with the police if they ask for information concerning one of your clients or patients?

Data breaches can happen if information is shared inappropriately. Whether that’s shared with the wrong person, at the wrong time, or simply the wrong information being disclosed.

We can run a short tailored course, in house, on information sharing within your sector. We can also guide you or your organisations in putting policies in place to ensure the right information is shared with the right people, at the right time.

Get in touch today to find out more.