
RIPA Training – A Practical Approach for Enforcement Officers

RIPA Training: a Practical Approach for Enforcement Officers

The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act and the Protection of Freedoms Act govern the surveillance powers of local councils, limiting their use of covert surveillance and the use of CHIS informants.

Our experienced team of investigators and surveillance experts use case studies and years of experience to describe the checks and balances that Councils need to have in place to ensure that any use of covert techniques is lawful, necessary and proportionate.

About the Course

Our trainers will take you through the intricacies of how to apply and approve activity that complies with the regulations applying to a Local Authority’s use of surveillance, use of covert human intelligence sources and accessing of communications data as set out in the RIPA Act and as amended by the Protection of Freedoms Act.

Our trainers are experienced police officers with years of experience in the application, use, authorisation, management, oversight and operational practice of all levels of surveillance activity.

This Course is Aimed at:

Local Authority (LA) staff involved in investigating environmental offences, fly tipping etc. trading standards legislation, unlicensed loan providers; taxicab regulation enforcement and suspected offences involving sales of alcohol, tobacco, knives, solvents etc to underage individuals, where covert surveillance is necessary to support their enquiry.

LA investigators who may wish to deploy CHIS informants

LA Investigators who are using communications data to support their case.

Designated Authorising officers and senior managers who need a working awareness of the core  applications available under the RIPA legislation and an understanding of how it might apply to the work their officers are undertaking.

Covering a Range of Themes:

  • The application of the Human Rights legislation, Data protection Act and General Data Protection Regulation ( UK GDPR) on covert investigations
  • The minimum requirements to achieve compliance by those involved in prevention and detection measures where they are using or considering the use of covert and overt surveillance, accessing communications data or use of covert human intelligence sources.
  • Best practice in building an intelligence case to support use of RIPA powers.
  • The lawful use and limitations of surveillance equipment.
  • Building the application and what the Authorising Officer is looking for.
  • The Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office (IPCO) and the Office for Communications Data Authorisations (OCDA) oversight and audits.

Learning Objectives

Key Learning Objectives for this course are:

  • Understand the legal landscape when considering surveillance activity.
  • How to build an intelligence case pre-application.
  • Best practice in writing and constructing RIPA applications.
  • Understand what RIPA audits and inspections will focus on.
  • Practical tips on how to undertake successful operations involving surveillance and CHIS’
  • The implications and benefits of using surveillance tools and equipment.

Course Outline:

  • Background and legal landscape
  • Core functions and lawful basis
  • The types of surveillance available
  • Key RIPA decisions
  • Applications and operational considerations for:
    • Directed Surveillance
    • CHIS
    • Social Networks
  • Meeting necessity, proportionality and collateral intrustion requirements
  • Working with other agencies under RIPA authorities
  • Non-RIPA surveillance
  • Authorising officer considerations
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