Subject Access Request and Redaction - SAR Training
About the Subject Access Request (SAR) and Redaction Training
The right of an individual’s access to their data is a key right of data protection law.
It has never been more necessary to deal with these requests lawfully and efficiently. Our clients report a 30-50% rise in SAR requests in the past 18 months and with financial sanctions on the rise and the risk of negative reputational media coverage it is vital that organisations get this fundamental UK GDPR process right.
People’s trust in how organisations use their personal data plays a role in their overall confidence and support for your services.
About the Course
This SAR Training course is CPD accredited and delivered by our highly experienced Directors.
It provides a practical step-by-step guide of how to recognise and respond to Subject Access Requests under the General Data Protection Regulation and associated legislation.
Course includes the following content.
- Preparing your organisation for Subject Access Request (SAR) requests including how to recognise a legitimate request.
- What to consider before responding and when to stop the clock for clarification
- When to refuse a request
- What is a manifestly excessive request
- What is an individual entitled to
- What information should be included in a response
- When a fee can be charged
- When to redact data
- What to do if the request includes information about other individuals
- Addressing 3rd party requests
- Other access gateways
- Learning through real life scenarios
Learning Objectives
Key Learning Objectives for this course are:
- To improve your management of Subject Access Requests (SARs) under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to understand how to lawfully redact data that you wish to withhold.
- To appreciate the overlapping UK GDPR requirements in relation to other personal data access rights.
- To provide general guidance and advice in relation to confidentiality and Data Protection legislation
- To provide practical advice on addressing this key right for individuals.
Course Feedback for our SAR Sessions
The course materials were very informative, concise, clear, easy to read and understand. The session was delivered at just the right pace and was a perfect for the needs of all attendees who had different levels of knowledge and interest. The session helped to embed the message of the importance of adhering to a clear process when dealing with access requests.
- That was a “Really informative session regards SAR and redaction. The trainer’s knowledge was outstanding. We redact consistently with all applications that we receive; it is always helpful to refresh the need for this”.
- Interesting course material delivered in a professional and engaging way. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you.