Advanced Senior Information Risk Owner Training
- £299.00
- 08 Nov 2024
- Expired!
- 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Caldicott Guardian
Data Protection (GDPR) Overview
Data Protection Officer
Senior Information Risk Owner (SIRO) Training
Marketing, Fundraising and Data Protection
Advanced Senior Information Risk Owner Training
Online Training
- Facilitated via Microsoft ‘Teams’ (3 hours duration) with 30 minutes immediately following the end of the session for queries or discussion.
- Our core presentation will be issued to delegates at least 4 working days in advance.
- We recommend that you study the course materials prior to the session, so you can highlight any areas that you may be specifically unsure of, or if you any specific issues/scenarios that you may want to discuss. Where possible these will be blended into the session.
- After the session, time should be spent reflecting and consolidating training learnt into a development plan.
- A 6 points CPD certificate will be issued.
More information about our Online Training
Aims of the course
- To develop a mature understanding of the security risks throughout the organisation
- Help to develop a clearly-communicated set of security policies and procedures, which reflect business objectives to support good risk management
- Recognise threats, vulnerabilities, and potential impacts which are associated with business activities
- Determine and apply cost-effective security controls to mitigate the identified risks within agreed appetites
- Develop and improve assurance processes to make sure that mitigations are, and remain, effective
- To promote questions and discussions
- To know where to find resources and support to help you in your role
Why attend the Advanced SIRO training?
You have attended SIRO training in the past or have been in post for some time and would like a greater understanding of the role and responsibilities to enable you and your board to feel confident with your legal accountability.
In particular you wish to enhance:
- a security culture that supports business and security priorities and is aligned to your organisation’s overarching priorities and own appreciation of risk
- your own personal responsibility and good security behaviours
- the processes, systems and culture in your organisation
- mechanisms to drive continuous improvement, tackle poor and inappropriate behaviour, enforce sanctions and encourage the sharing of best practice.
Who should attend?
Experienced SIROs, Chief Executives (CEO), Directors or Senior Managers with responsibility or line management of information risk.
Head of Information Technology, Information Governance or SIRO deputies that have attended basic SIRO training in the past.
Most Healthcare CEOs and Chairs of Boards and trustees will benefit from this training, to understand the importance and value of having an effective and proactive SIRO, where the role fits in to ensuring good governence and public confidence, and how the organisational Privacy risks should be managed and assurance demonstrated.