Caldicott Guardian
About the Caldicott Guardian Training and the CG Role
This ‘Caldicott Guardian Training’ course is for all those who require refresher or up-to-date training, in the Caldicott Guardian role, either as a Caldicott Guardian, a deputy or an information governance professional working in support of the Caldicott Guardian.
BLS Stay Compliant works with the UKCGC to assure the quality and content of the training being delivered and that it is maintained and aligns with the latest developments and the CG manual. It is a CPD accredited course.
The Caldicott Guardian is an essential role in any health care, social care, Local Authority or NHS Partner. All NHS organisations and local authorities providing social services must have a Caldicott Guardian. A Caldicott Guardian is a senior person responsible for protecting the confidentiality of patient and service-user information, making sure it is used properly and enabling appropriate information-sharing. Our training meets the requirements within the Data Security and Protection Toolkit and aligns with the UK Caldicott Guardian Council’s manual.
The Stay Compliant team have extensive and practical expertise which we bring to our CPD accredited courses.
It is an interactive day with a number of case studies to help delegates understand what they should consider when making Caldicott decisions in order to provide confidence in this role. It is a practical, interactive course with detailed handouts to act as an aide memoire when you return to your organisation.
We cover a range of themes in the ‘Caldicott Guardian Training’ including:
- Understanding the Caldicott Guardian role and to provide advice and guidance on fulfilling that role
- How to comply with the Caldicott Principles including the new Principle 8: “Inform Patients and service users about how their confidential information is used”
- Know what to consider before sharing information
- The Data Security & Protection (DSP) Toolkit role for Caldicott Guardians
- Enhancing your confidence in making Caldicott decisions
- Access to Medical Records considerations
- Learning from case studies of breaches by NHS and Social Care organisations
- Checklists for Caldicott Guardians
Learning Objectives
Key Learning Objectives within the Caldicott Guardian training course:
- Understand your role as a Caldicott Guardian
- Assess your own organisations compliance with the Caldicott principles
- Adhere to Caldicott Principle 6: “Comply with the Law” and Principle 7: “the Duty to Share”
- Learn to recognise what are “Caldicott Decisions”
- Enhance your confidence in making appropriate Caldicott decisions
- Be aware of confidentiality and ethical considerations
- Learn from case studies of breaches by NHS and Social Care organisations