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Does your DSPT submission require an external audit?

The next Data Security Protection Toolkit (DSPT) deadline is 30th June 2024 and, by now, most organisations are finalising their submissions in preparation for completing the toolkit.  

DSPT submissions should be made if your organisation provides contracted services to the NHS, uses a shared health and care record, is applying for or currently uses NHSMail or is a CQC-registered provider.  

The DSP Toolkit is divided into four categories and each category has differing requirements. In category one organisations, an external audit assesment is required. 

The audit allows the opportunity to demonstrate assurance of your data protection processes in place and can highlight areas that may need development prior to submission, or recommendations for improvement areas.

Our audit offering is available to all organisations all year and the DSPT audits, in particular, are a popular service. We currently have limited availability for remaining slots prior to the next deadline so if your submission is missing the mandatory audit element and you require assistance on this, please get in touch as soon as possible.

Organisation types are reviewed each year to ascertain the most appropriate category for their business in accordance with the NHS and Local Authority structures in England.  

Each organisation type is based on their contractual terms with the NHS, the type of services provided and any other processes that may require completing the DSPT, including using NHS data for research purposes. 

For a full list and further details use this link to visit the NHS England DSP Toolkit page.  

Category One 

  • Arm’s length bodies (such as NHS Digital, for the full list check the DSP Toolkit page) 
  • Integrated Care Boards (ICBs/CCGs) 
  • Commissioning Support Units 
  • IT Suppliers (criteria available on the DSPT page) 
  • NHS Trusts (e.g. Ambulance Trusts, Mental Health Trusts) 
  • Operator of Services (under the NIS Directive and others) 

Category Two 

There are currently no organisation types fitting this criteria 

Category Three 

  • Dentists 
  • Local Authority 
  • Opticians 
  • Pharmacies 
  • Social care providers 
  • Universities 
  • Many others (e.g some charities, companies and NHS Business Partners) 

Category Four 

  • GP Surgeries 

Each category of organisation will have different requirements to complete before submitting their DSP Toolkit, however the deadline remains the same, 30th June 2024, for all. 

Our team have extensive experience completing the toolkit for a variety of organisations – including our own – and are well versed in ensuring it is completed correctly and in a timely manner prior to submission. If this is something we can assist your organisation with, please get in touch.   


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