BLS Stay Compliant

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A white desk featuring a laptop, calendar printed on white paper and a clipboard with a checklist attached via a bulldog clip.

Don’t forget your training requirements for your DSPT submission!

It’s less than one month until the deadline for Data Security and Protection Toolkit submissions – have you covered everything?

The Data Security Protection Toolkit (DSPT) is an annual self-assessment, to be completed by organisations, checking compliance against the National Data Guardian’s data security standards.

With less than one month to go, most organisations will have completed their toolkit and be in the final stages prior to submission. There may be just a couple of outstanding actions, one of which is often to complete the required training.

Adequate and relevant training, particularly for roles involved in data protection, is a requirement under the DSPT. This training could be for Data Protection Officers, Caldicott Guardians, Senior Information Risk Owners or Information Asset Owners as key roles surrounding data held in many organisations.

Perhaps, in additon, you may wish to prove your compliance and understanding when handling subject access requests, or with the data privacy impact assessments implemented for your organisation.

Our courses are run online, meaning delegates can attend from wherever they are based, at a time that suits them. Certificates of attendance are sent out immediately following course attendance (provided payment has been made), meaning they are readily available as evidence for the DSPT submission.

Our upcoming courses in June are:

  • Subject Access Request and Redaction – 4th June
  • Senior Information Risk Owner – 4th June
  • Advanced Senior Information Risk Owner – 6th June
  • Calidcott Guardian – 10th June
  • Data Protection Officer – 17th June

All courses are available for booking via our website here or, if it is easier, please get in touch to book through an member of the team.

If you would like to schedule bespoke training for your organisation do drop us a message to discuss further details or, if you require assistance with your DSPT submission, just get in touch!

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